A scary video of an e-bike battery that exploded inside an elevator has circulated widely online bringing into focus the dangers of the lithium batteries that power electric bikes.
This incident involved a fire outbreak in a high-rise apartment building due to an e-bike Battery
The Incident
In the video trending on social media, a person (Adult Male) is seen with an e-bike battery in an elevator which is recorded on a security camera. A few seconds later, the battery starts producing black smoke then a progressively loud bang and a bright flame which consume the lift with black smoke. The person on the right side of the elevator is seen struggling to move away from the battery as the fire advances.
The emergency services were called to the scene. The person in the elevator was moved out by the emergency officials with some of his body parts missing. We cannot confirm if he is dead yet, there was little movement at the end of the video.
The footage, which has been widely shared on social media platforms, has gotten millions of views and thousands of comments, many expressing shock and concern.
Public Reactions
Many people watched the video and opinions are divided all over the internet. Some users are pressuring manufacturers to fix the issues with e-bike safety as soon as possible, while others are providing helpful tips concerning the safe storage and charging of e-bike batteries.
“This makes zero sense. Batteries don’t have a magnetic field on their own, and thermal overrun doesn’t happen that fast from nothing,” commented one user. Another added, “This explosion is scary.”
Another commenter questioned the cause of the incident: “How can closing a door cause a magnetic field from a charged battery? Seems to be a faulty battery issue.”
Others emphasized the broader implications: “We need to be careful; high-capacity batteries for EVs are a huge safety concern.”
One user pointed out a fundamental issue: “Battery manufacturing quality aside, any high-capacity battery when punctured or compromised is a serious safety concern.”
Safety Concerns
The incident has raised questions about the usage and storage of e-bike batteries and most importantly their safety especially when in confined spaces such as elevators. Lithium-ion batteries, usually used in e-bikes, consist of high energy density but is flammable when get damaged, overcharged, or at high temperatures.
Meanwhile, In the meantime, the viral video continues to circulate, serving as a powerful reminder of the need for caution and awareness in the use of e-bike technology.