Kuwaiti Royal Prince Converts to Christianity

Kuwaiti Royal Prince Converts to Christianity: True or False?

Recently, a viral claim has circulated on social media, alleging that a Kuwaiti royal prince named Abdullah Al-Sabah converted from Islam to Christianity.

This claim, primarily spread by Christian influencers, asserts that the prince openly declared his new faith in Jesus Christ and expressed his willingness to face any consequences for his conversion. However, this story is entirely false.

The Viral Claim

The circulating narrative suggests that Prince Abdullah Al-Sabah publicly renounced Islam and embraced Christianity.

The claim includes a dramatic quote attributed to the prince: “If they kill me because of it, then I will appear before Jesus Christ and I will be with Jesus Christ forever.”

Kuwaiti Prince Conversion
Viral post claiming Kuwaiti Royal Prince Converted to Christianity

It also mentions that the prince made these statements in a recorded audio tape, further fueling the story’s spread.

Fact Check: False

Upon closer examination, there is no credible evidence to support the existence of a Kuwaiti royal prince by the name of Abdullah Al-Sabah, let alone any reports of such an individual converting to Christianity.

A simple Google search for “Abdullah Al-Sabah” reveals no substantial information connecting this name to a Kuwaiti royal family member. This absence of evidence is a strong indicator that the story is fabricated.

Abdullah Al-Sabah wikipedia
Ahmad Al-Abdullah Al-Sabah wikipedia

The search results for Abdullah Al-Sabah identify him as a Kuwaiti economist, politician, and prominent member of the ruling Al Sabah family. He held the position of Minister of Oil from 2009 to 2011. More recently, on April 15, 2024, he was named Prime Minister-designate, officially beginning his term on May 15, 2024.

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