Jaylenn Earls

Jaylenn Earls Found Safe, Alleges Abuse by Mother’s Boyfriend

Jaylenn Earls, the 13-year-old from Cincinnati who was reported missing, has been found safe, but her return has sparked a heated debate online.

Earls was last seen on a family’s ring camera, showing signs of distress with a visible black eye, running from her mother’s boyfriend and barging into a neighbor’s house for help.

The incident, which initially appeared as a missing person case, took an unexpected turn that has left the internet divided.

According to a post in the Facebook group Harrison Happenings, the girl identified as Jaylenn Earls, one of Tiffany Johnson’s two daughters, was spotted fleeing into the home of Jordan Adams.

Adams later shared that Jaylenn, who stands 5 ft 3 inches tall and weighs around 120 lbs, was crying and begged for help, saying, “He’s coming,” referring to her mother’s boyfriend.

Earls allegedly forced her way into Adams’ home, clearly frightened and sporting a black eye. Despite attempts by Adams’ husband to calm her down, the situation escalated quickly.

Missing Jaylenn
Jaylenn Earls, who went missing, has been found.

Tiffany Johnson, Jaylenn’s mother, responded to the social media post, defending herself and insisting that the situation had been misunderstood. She claimed that the tension arose after they prohibited Jaylenn from running the streets and dating older men.

Jaylenn’s sister, Jenna Earls, added her perspective, stating that Jaylenn had been disrespectful, ran away from home, and resisted their mother’s attempts to set boundaries. Jenna also revealed that Jaylenn had secretly brought a 17-year-old boy into their home, which led to further family conflict.

Online speculation intensified as users debated the identity of the person chasing Jaylenn, with some suggesting it could be Nathaniel Bickel, a man with a history of domestic violence.

Jenna clarified that the video of Jaylenn running showed her fleeing the 17-year-old’s house after the police arrived, not from her mother’s boyfriend.

While Jaylenn has been found safe, her own statements on social media have added complexity to the case.

In an Instagram story, Jaylenn claimed that her mother’s boyfriend had touched her inappropriately and that her mother did not believe her. She also stated that she had reported the situation to the police and child protective services multiple times, but no action was taken because she is a child.

Her mother and sister have strongly denied these accusations, leading to a polarized response online. While some people are supporting Jaylenn’s version of events, others are criticizing her actions and defending her family.

As the situation continues to unfold, the internet remains divided, with many waiting for more information to emerge.

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