A shocking incident unfolded in Orozo, Abuja, where gospel singer Timileyin Ajayi, known for his song “God of All the Earth,” was apprehended during a church service. Ajayi was caught carrying a sack containing the severed head of his girlfriend.
The incident occurred during a Sunday service when a congregant felt compelled to inspect the suspect’s sack. Upon discovery of the head, an alarm was raised, leading to Ajayi being restrained by churchgoers.
Witnesses report that Ajayi confessed to killing his girlfriend during a heated argument, claiming it was accidental. He admitted to dismembering her body, with other remains allegedly still at his house.
The police intervened to take Ajayi into custody, preventing further mob action. The victim, described as a young woman with braided hair, was reportedly in a year-long relationship with the suspect. Sources revealed she had traveled to visit him before the tragedy unfolded.
Police in Abuja have yet to release an official statement on the case. Investigation into the disturbing incident is ongoing.