Abuja, Nigeria – In a tragic and shocking incident, a popular Nigerian cross-dresser known as “Abuja Area Mama” has been allegedly killed by unknown persons in Abuja. The lifeless body of the well-known figure was reportedly discovered by the roadside, with signs indicating that he may have been beaten to death.
“Abuja Area Mama,” whose real name remains undisclosed to the public, had gained widespread recognition on social media for his bold fashion choices and outspoken personality.
According to eyewitness reports, the body was found in the early hours of the morning by passersby who quickly alerted local authorities. It is believed that “Abuja Area Mama” was brutally attacked and beaten by his assailants before succumbing to his injuries.
The motive behind the attack remains unclear, and police have yet to make any arrests.
Friends, fans, and LGBTQ+ advocates have condemned the act, describing it as a senseless and hate-driven crime.
“This is a heartbreaking loss. Abuja Area Mama was a symbol of bravery and self-expression. He did not deserve this,” one user wrote on X (formerly Twitter).