On Saturday, January 11, 2025, a tragic incident unfolded in Tungar Kara, Maradun Local Government Area of Zamfara State, as Nigerian Air Force (NAF) airstrikes mistakenly targeted operatives of the Zamfara State Community Protection Guard (ZSCPG), local vigilantes, and residents. The airstrike, initially aimed at fleeing bandits, left at least 20 people dead and many others injured.
The incident occurred shortly after a raid by bandits in the area. Local vigilantes and residents had mobilized to defend their community when the airstrikes hit.
According to reports, 16 bodies have been recovered so far, while the final death toll remains uncertain as rescue efforts are ongoing.
How the Tragedy Unfolded
The raid by bandits earlier in the day had caused panic in Tungar Kara. Residents quickly rallied with the local vigilante group to repel the attackers. The NAF, responding to the attack, launched an airstrike to target the fleeing bandits. Unfortunately, the strikes misfired and devastated parts of the community, killing the very individuals who had assembled to protect it.
A resident of Tungar Kara described the aftermath as “heartbreaking,” recounting scenes of destruction and the loss of family members. Many homes were damaged, and livestock, an essential part of the rural economy, was lost.
As of now, military authorities have not released an official statement regarding the incident. Efforts to clarify the circumstances leading to the strike are underway, but the silence has raised concerns among citizens and advocacy groups.